
What is a home inspection?
A home inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of the condition of a home. The home inspection evaluates all the features of the home (foundation, electrical, plumbing, roofing, heating, structure, windows, doors, etc.) for safety and functionality.

Who pays for a home inspection?
The buyer pays for a home inspection. The cost of a home inspection varies greatly depending on the choice of inspector. An average cost for an inspection is around $400.

Do I need a home inspection?
While a home inspection is not required, it is a smart measure to take to avoid any costly repairs immediately after closing. Even new construction homes should not be considered perfect.

How do I choose a home inspector?
-You should search for a home inspector who is licensed (through an organization such as the American Society of Home Inspectors, National Association of Home Inspectors or another state organization).j
-You want an experienced home inspector.

Here at DK Atlanta, our expert agents have worked with many home inspectors and we will be happy to point you in the direction of home inspectors that we have found to be reliable, thorough and knowledgeable. 

What happens after the inspection?

After the inspection, the inspector will give you a report of his or her findings.

After receiving the report you can:
-ask the seller to fix some or all of the repairs
-ask the seller to reduce the purchase price
-decline to purchase the home.

Your DK Atlanta agent will be invaluable during this process. We will help you navigate the waters of negotiating with the seller and making sure that you are purchasing a home that you not only love, but one that is a wise investment also.